2024 Exhibits
VividScience exhibits include window displays, gallery shows, and online offerings with corresponding curricular materials.
Iris March - November 2024
In 2024, irises became our theme for knowledge development. Oregon has native iris species, some of the largest iris nurseries in the world, and plants can be found in older gardens throughout the region. Despite their long history and garden value of drought tolerance, irises are unfamiliar to many. Art coupled with activities introduce how to develop conceptual understandings, skills, and connections about iris, and new topics in general.

Rockscapes November 2024
Gallery show of macro photographs. Photos reveal patterns and hidden worlds in rock slabs. An exhibition catalog provides details of rock origins and photographic techniques.
Harvest September-November 2024
This year’s autumn exhibit highlights three harvest-related topics: gourds, turkeys, and animal chew marks. Window display and journal activities.

Museum Journal August 2024
Art journal and workshop on creating a “museum-to-go” journal that can be used to plan museum trips, record activities at a museum, and memorialize museum experiences.
Natural History May - August 2024
The latest in our natural history exhibits highlights animal specimens and models from our collection as well as recently published books on naturalists and nature illustration. Includes an activity on nature journaling.

Community Garden June-July 2024
Gardens offer “real-world” laboratory and field experiences. Field trips to a local community garden with display and journal activities.
Spring Journal May 2024
Our latest contemporary naturalist journal celebrates spring! Activities creating with scraps, found objects and forms of responsible collecting.

Winter Wonderland December Recurring
Take a walk through a whimsical landscape. Winter Wonderland is on display first floor, north corridor of Weniger Hall, outside room 129. Through the winter holidays each year.
Candy Land December Recurring
Just in time for a bit of merriment finals week through the winter break: Candy Land is back on display first floor, north corridor of Weniger Hall, outside room 127. Through the winter holidays each year.