Guide 7B Evidence
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Evidence Contents
Evidence Quiz
Evidence Media Piece
Introduced in the Marine Invertebrates section of this guide:
When we head to aquaria or marine destinations, it is often easier to focus on the large vertebrate animals. For this media piece you will be focusing in on the smallest animals that make up the vast bulk of marine animals.
From the videos provided, find five different invertebrate animals.
provide the letter of the video you found the animal in (a, b, c, d, e, and/or f). You can use all of the videos or just a few.
include notes on the animal, this could be a loose sketch and/or written notes.
identify the phylum the animal is classified in and the most likely common name. For example: you may find a brittlestar classified in Phylum Echinodermata. We have provided a photo guide below to assist with identification.