Guide 10B Science News
Additional activities, a behind-the-scenes gallery, recommended books, and more.
About this Guide
Home Stretch
I hope everyone is hanging in there, we are in our final week of course content and it has been a wild ride! I can’t remember working this hard and having so much fun at the same time. We are going to have to count up the number of videos, photos, web pages, and road miles. I have learned a lot and hope you have too, and that this is just the start of our animal adventures.
Close Up
An inexpensive microscope that magnifies up to 100x can reveal amazing details of all types of organisms. This is a dog tick at 40x, no stain added. Even the “pests” are exciting the first time you see them up close and personal.
Vector Friends
In the summer when it gets over 100 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors for two or more consecutive days, the flea populations explode in the Willamette Valley. Since the cats have a kennel, its possible for them to be exposed to fleas from animals that get to close to the fencing. Uschi is “putting up with” flea combing, the best chance of getting a flea population under control.
“Hunting” Deer
This video shows why you leave some things to the experts.
Getting Full
We had no idea how many specimens, books, and animals would make their way into the cargo container while developing this course.
Recommended Books

Mosquitoes have such a huge impact on our species, this is a chance to get to meet them.

Malaria continues to kill hundreds of thousands of people a year: this book provides the history.