Guide 4A Classification
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Classification Contents
Classification Quiz
Classification Media Piece
Introduced in Patterns section of this guide:
In this media assignment you are going to find and capture evidence of a pattern in nature. It could be a pattern or non-living system. Examples of patterns (yours may be similar or different):
branching patterns in roots, branches, frost, veins
spiraling patterns in flowers, cones, water down a drain
sphere shape (reducing surface area) in a sleeping animal, a cactus
Note: this media piece would be a good fit for the Science Concepts portfolio outcome. If you find multiple examples of patterns, you could arrange them in a “gallery” in the final portfolio.
Upload to Canvas:
Your media pieces showing a natural pattern.
an explanation of what the pattern is and either how it was created or why it may be important (whichever explanation fits your pattern better).