Species consist of organisms that have the potential to successfully breed with one another, but the story can be even more interesting.
Learning Outcome: Explain what a species is, how they are named, and how physical appearance may not be sufficient for distinguishing between different species.

The term “species” is a human construct; it is a term we use to distinguish between different groups of organisms that are not sharing genetic information. In other words successfully breeding and inheritance would only occur within a species.
But, as with many things in nature, it’s not always that simple.
Species: organisms potentially able to interbreed
Population: members of the same species more likely to interbreed, usually because of close proximity and access
This video provides an overview of what is meant by the word “species.”
Watch this video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.
There are more insect species that any other Class of animals. The next section provides an overview of these successful species.