Guide 4C Field Sketching
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Field Sketching Contents
Field Sketching Objectives
Science Illustration
Describe the role of illustration in science and the types of illustrations commonly used to capture and convey information about animals.
Outline the basic elements of a drawing and sketch utilizing these elements.
Field Marks
List the basic characteristics, including field marks, used to identify birds and use these to correctly I.D. a bird species.
Bird Ancestry
Discuss the ancestry of modern birds, including evidence of relatedness to reptiles, and more specifically, dinosaurs.
Bird Beaks
Structure relates to function, this section matches bird beaks to bird diets.
Field Sketching Quiz
Field Sketching Media Piece
Introduced in the Drawing section of this guide:
Draw an organism, or part of an organism. It does not need to be an animal, it can be part of a plant, and fungus, or a preserved part of an organism like a fur or bones. The key is to try to draw a three-dimensional organism (or part of one) instead of from a photo or video. This adds a degree of difficulty, but also the chance to move around the organism that you are drawing.
You can draw digitally (for example a tablet and stylus) or on paper with a pen, pencil, and/or brush.
Draw something that fits one of the nine outcomes you are populating for the final portfolio. This could be a skill outcome (demonstrating your ability to draw), a concept outcome (illustrating a particular concept), or a connection outcome (science/biology/animals in the real world).

Upload to Canvas:
your drawing.
a description in the comments box indicating which outcome the drawing matches. You can use this comment along with the drawing in your final portfolio.