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Guide 9A


Surviving and reproducing.

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In this guide you will study the impacts of structures and behaviors on reproductive success.

Video Overview

Watch this guide overview video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.

Fitness Contents

Complete all five of these sections before taking the quiz and submitting your media piece.

Fitness Objectives

Innate Behaviors

Explain what an innate behavior is and provide specific examples of genetically determined behaviors.

Learned Behaviors

Explain what a learned behavior is and provide specific examples of behaviors altered by experiences.


Summarize how sexual reproduction impacts variation, the problems associated with successfully reproducing, and the relationship of reproduction to fitness.

Mating Behaviors

Provide examples of both simple and elaborate animal mating behaviors, and the potential advantages and disadvantages of each.

Sexual Selection

Explain how animals may compete with other member of their sex within their species.

Fitness Product Page

If you would like the goal insight of looking ahead to the products you will be making after completing this guide’s five activity pages, start with the product page.

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Research Question 9: Why does it behave like this?

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9B: Behaviors

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If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.