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Guide 6B


Track changes in an organism’s growth.

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In this guide you will follow the structural changes that occur in organisms as they age.

Video Overview

Watch this guide overview video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.

Development Contents

Complete all five of these sections before taking the quiz and submitting your media piece.

Development Objectives


Explain what reliability indicates and why it and other shared practices are critical in science research.


Outline the steps that occur after fertilization, including how DNA directs development and factors that can impact this process.


Describe the role of respiration in organisms, including how it relates to animal organ systems and development.


Provide characteristics of reptilian species, including their evolutionary origins, shared structures, and modern descendants.


Diagram the general structure of eggs, explaining their evolutionary significance and relationship to humans.

Development Product Page

If you would like the goal insight of looking ahead to the products you will be making after completing this guide’s five activity pages, start with the product page.

Previous Guide

6A: Life Cycles

Next Guide

6C: Animal Care

Learn more about Development

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.