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Guide 5C Critiquing


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions

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Review Critiquing Contents

Critiquing Objectives

Critiquing Resources

Explain why critiquing information is an important aspect of science, including the value of skepticism, and ways to constructively critique.

Predators and Prey

Summarize predator and prey relationships by analyzing data sets, and explain how oversimplification can mistakenly exclude important variables.


Describe tactics predators use to capture prey and provide examples of animal species that utilize these tactics.


Identify the physical structures animals use to capture and immobilize prey.


Describe the genetics, evolution, predatory and prey response behaviors of wild and domesticated cats.

Critiquing Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all five sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning outcomes above to guide your studying.

Critiquing Media Piece

Introduced in Predators & Prey section of this guide:

For this media piece, you are developing your own simulation of a predator-prey relationship.  It can be similar to the two that Mark modeled in the videos or completely different.
Your simulation needs to:
  • Have a predator population with variation.
  • Have a prey population with variation.
  • Show how the predators and prey can impact each other.
The variation can be size, color, shape, speed; whatever you choose.
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What you are submitting:
  • A description of your simulation, this can be a photo, video, or written description.  Include what you are using to represent the predators, the prey, and the variation in both populations’ traits.
  • A brief self-critique of what you like about your simulation, and what you would potentially improve upon to make it an even better representation of predator-prey interactions.

Media Piece Directions

Upload your predator-prey simulation to Canvas

Animal Biology Portfolio

Portfolio Directions

Look through your latest quiz answers and media pieces and select out ones you would like to have in your final portfolio.

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5B: Library Research

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5C: Critiquing

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Research Question 6:

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Learn more about Critiquing

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.