Guide 10A
Preserving, protecting, and restoring animal populations.
In this guide you will learn how endangered species and their habitats are researched and preserved.
Video Overview
Watch this guide overview video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.
Conservation Contents
Complete all five of these sections before taking the quiz and submitting your media piece.
Conservation Objectives
Describe the mass extinctions of the past and compare them to current extinction causes and rates.
Explain how a genetic bottleneck can occur, how it can lead to extinction, and provide a representative species that has experienced a bottleneck event.
Endangered Species
Share multiple examples of endangered species, including why the species face extinction and attempts being made to study and/or preserve the species.
Relic DNA
Explain the technological steps being taken to revive extinct species from genetic samples.
Provide characteristics of birds commonly called “raptors” and explain why these species are often at risk for extinction.