Guide 10A Conservation
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Conservation Contents
Conservation Objectives
Describe the mass extinctions of the past and compare them to current extinction causes and rates.
Explain how a genetic bottleneck can occur, how it can lead to extinction, and provide a representative species that has experienced a bottleneck event.
Endangered Species
Share multiple examples of endangered species, including why the species face extinction and attempts being made to study and/or preserve the species.
Relic DNA
Explain the technological steps being taken to revive extinct species from genetic samples.
Provide characteristics of birds commonly called “raptors” and explain why these species are often at risk for extinction.
Conservation Quiz
Conservation Media Piece
Introduced in the Extinctions section of this guide:
This media assignment is an opinion piece. An opinion is a belief, view, or evaluation (judgment) about something, that does not have to be based in fact or knowledge. This is what you think or believe about something. We all have opinions, and they drive much of how we interact with the world. Sometimes it is useful to stop and reflect on opinions: what they are and why we have them.
We have introduced several topics that people have distinct and different opinions about: species extinctions, GMOs, laboratory animals, and more.
Select a science topic that you would like to write an opinion about. It may help to select a topic that can be slotted into one of the nine outcomes, so it can go directly into the final portfolio.

This assignment is not graded on what your opinion is, the grading is based on:
Clear description of the topic, including why is is an issue open for debate and differing views.
Statement of opinion, including possible basis for the opinion.