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Guide 10C

Science Literacy

Prepare for a lifetime of science learning.

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In this guide you will develop strategies for continued science learning beyond this course.

Video Overview

Watch this guide overview video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.

Science Literacy Contents

Complete all five of these sections before taking the quiz and submitting your media piece.

Science Literacy Objectives

Science Literacy

Describe what it means to be scientifically literate, providing examples of how to enhance science literacy.

Lifelong Learning

Plan specific activities and tasks to continue learning science into the future.

Wildlife Garden

List key characteristics of a garden designed to support local animal species.

Beneficial Species

Provide examples of animal species that directly and indirectly benefit humans.


Summarize bee characteristics including their diversity, life cycles, communication, and pollination of human crops.

Science Literacy Product Page

If you would like the goal insight of looking ahead to the products you will be making after completing this guide’s five activity pages, start with the product page.

Previous Guide

10B: Science News

Final Module

Finish Animals Portfolio

Learn more about Science Literacy

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.