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Guide 9B Behaviors


Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions

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Review Behaviors Contents

Behaviors Objectives

Citizen Science

Provide examples of how citizen science impacts the acquisition of new knowledge.


Describe how genetics and experience relate to migratory behaviors in various species.


Describe how seasonal changes lead to aestivation and hibernation behaviors.


Explain how hormones relate to genes and proteins, including how hormones impact animal behaviors.

Marine Mammals

Describe the structural characteristics, evolutionary history, and current status of marine mammals.

Behaviors Quiz

Quiz Directions

Complete all five sections and take the quiz on Canvas.
Use the learning outcomes above to guide your studying.

Behaviors Media Piece

Introduced in the Citizen Science section of this guide:

Break out the field kit and safety checklist; this is an assignment that focuses on documenting animal behaviors.
This media piece is collecting data specifically about animal behaviors.  The animal can be domesticated or wild.  You will be looking for behaviors that are listed above (communicating, foraging, etc.) and capturing that behavioral information with field notes.  These notes can include photos, videos, sketches, and/or writing.
In case the weather does not permit a field excursion this week, you can use the optional videos below to complete this assignment successfully.
fall squirrel
You will be uploading to Canvas your field notes on an animal’s behaviors.  Specifically document what the animal was doing, how you would classify the behavior (categories are in Tables A & B above), and also whether you think the behavior is innate and/or learned, and whether/how it may impact fitness.  You can use our standard field note structure (date, location, time, etc.) or your own preferred structure for documenting behaviors. 
As always: be alert and travel with a companion in the field whenever possible and minimize impact to any animals and their environment.

Media Piece Directions

Upload your animal behavior observations and thoughts to Canvas.

Animal Biology Portfolio

Portfolio Directions

Continue fitting your work into  the nine outcomes categories in the final portfolio.

Previous Guide

9A: Fitness

This Guide

9B: Behaviors

Next Guide

9C: Science Stories

Learn more about Behaviors

If you would like to learn more about the topics introduced in this course, please visit the resources page.