Guide 9A Fitness
Quiz, Media, & Portfolio Directions
Review Fitness Contents
Fitness Objectives
Innate Behaviors
Explain what an innate behavior is and provide specific examples of genetically determined behaviors.
Learned Behaviors
Explain what a learned behavior is and provide specific examples of behaviors altered by experiences.
Summarize how sexual reproduction impacts variation, the problems associated with successfully reproducing, and the relationship of reproduction to fitness.
Mating Behaviors
Provide examples of both simple and elaborate animal mating behaviors, and the potential advantages and disadvantages of each.
Sexual Selection
Explain how animals may compete with other member of their sex within their species.
Fitness Quiz
Fitness Media Piece
Introduced in the Innate Behaviors section of this guide:
This is another opportunity to work on the final portfolio! Last week you populated each of the nine outcomes and may have found some outcomes more challenging than others. For this media assignment you will pick the outcome that you are having the most difficult time filling with three examples of your work, and complete it this week, well before the portfolio is due.
Select an outcome. Pick one that you only have one piece of work representing, and/or are having a particularly tough time working with. For example, you may only have one example of a Science Skill or Biology Connection: whichever outcome is the most challenging (these are usually different for everyone). Then your hardest work is behind you!
Upload to Canvas the three pieces of work you will use in your final portfolio to represent this outcome.

If you are not sure how to tackle a challenging outcome, here is our advice:
Look at the descriptors that are listed under the outcome (link below). For examples, under Science Concepts you have:
perception, evidence, prediction, cause & effect, scale, quantity, continuity, change, matter, energy, patterns, systems & models, specimens, collections, tentative & durable, hypotheses, facts, theories, laws, science history, and science fields.