Eggs are a critical structure in life cycles and also a food source for many species.
Learning Objective: Diagram the general structure of eggs, explaining their evolutionary significance and relationship to humans.

Eggs have the nutrients, energy, and cellular machinery necessary to support development. Egg sizes and structures vary significantly throughout the animal kingdom.
This video introduces some of the egg characteristics you may find hiking a trail.
Watch this video; you can select the closed captioning “cc” option if you would like to see the text.
Egg size, shape, color, and pattern can be used to identify different bird species.
Hatching out a vertebrate egg typically takes an incubator and then a strategy for caring for all of the hatchlings. An easier place to start is with an invertebrate like brine shrimp. There are several species in Genus Artemia, and if you are not sure which one it is, the name is Artemia sp.
Brine shrimp produce eggs, or cysts, that can stay dry and dormant for years.
Once the eggs hatch, brine shrimp primarily eat algae, although we’ve seen larger brine shrimp eat about anything they could fit in their mouths.
In the next guide, we’ll explore how many animals build nests and care for eggs and offspring.